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Surface Coatings

EJOT/毅结特/Surface Coatings




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产品名称 : Surface Coatings
产品品牌 : EJOT


Specifics about surface coating

Chrom(VI ban: The EU "Directive on end-of-life vehicles" bans the use of grade VI Chromium as corrosion protection for all passenger cars that are to be put on the road as from July 1st 2007. The same ban is valid for nearly all electrical appliances as from July 1st, 2006 in compliance with the Electronic Scrap Regulation contained in the RoHS. We have to expect that other industries will consent to the ban of Cr(VI). The demand for surfaces containing Cr(VI) has already decreased significantly, so that the availability is no longer ensured. That is why EJOT will no longer offer or produce new parts with surfaces containing Cr(VI).

The following anti-corrosion surfaces contain Cr(VI) and are subject to this ban:

•Yellow chromating (on Zinc or zinc alloy coating) •black chromating (on Zinc or zinc alloy coating) •DACROMET® (zinc lamella coating from the company DACRAL) Attention: In Germany blue passivations have been largely Cr(VI)-free since many years. Whereas in Asia, even today, blue chrome coatings containing Cr(VI) are still being used. Conclusion: •New applications should not be coated with these surfaces. •Currently used articles with these surfaces that are to be used also in the future should be changed over to Cr(VI)-free systems as soon as possible. Please note: This adjustment often requires different fastening parameters. Please contact us for any questions with regards to the change to Cr-VI free coatings!

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Surface Coatings

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